Thursday, October 23, 2008

A different Week

One of the most difficult students in my tough class has transferred out of our school. The classroom has changed completely. Note that one other student was out for two days this week (the one who wouldn't acknowledge my existence). With both of these students out of the class, I have fallen in love all over again with this class. I find them to be willing to please and eager to please.

I also did a mini-project with my 6h grade students. I talked about one of my college classmates SUZ. The assignment talked about her bike and build trip across the country. The kids had to use some information I gave them to figure out distances, rates, and time traveled.

JENNY is here visiting JESSE this weekend. It's interesting that Jesse and I haven't needed to turn the heat on in the apartment. It's warm in the apartment. I live in a middle floor and have people on both sides of the apartment. So it's been cold enough to see my breath in the morning, but I haven't needed to turn on the heat. I think we are quite comfortable still. However... riding the train in the winter will be interesting. I live where the train is above ground for over 1/2 hour of my commute. This means that everytime they open the doors, my legs get cold. I need to get some leggings. I wear a skirt to work everyday. My legs get cold. Or.... I change the train ritual I ride and take the L train instead of M to 3. I'd be warmer.... we'll see how cold it gets here.

1 comment:

Steven said...

It's good to see another Fellow happy in her job =). Looks like life is treating you well, Deedee, which is great to hear.